By Services

Conference of Parties (COP) 28 – Insights and Takeaways
January 2024 | Astrum Associates

This document aims to deliver a thorough 360-degree overview of the Conference of Parties (COP) …

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Will The real SELF-RELIANT INDIA show itself?
May 2020 | Ashwani Singla

In the wake of PM Narendra Modi’s call for going local, Ashwani Singla sheds light on what it means for brands to be truly ‘swadeshi’ & How can PR help brands be vocal about it. Read more.

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Indian Industry Leaders Prepare For Post Covid19 Era
May 2020 | Ashwani Singla

This article talks about the impact of COVID-19 on CXO’s & the change in business strategies related to crisis preparedness by industry leaders. Visit Astrum website for more details.

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Crisis Management Lessons from Covid-19
What has COVID 19 taught us? FIVE lessons in Crisis and Issues Management
April 2020 | Ashwani Singla

This article by Astrum highlights the importance of crisis planning & preparedness during the time of unforeseen situations like COVID-19. Visit the website to read in detail.

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expert speak essential toolkit a xennial approach
ExpertSpeak: Essential Toolkit for a modern day consumer behaviour professional: A Xennial Approach
April 2018 | Gaurav Mehta

Consumers are shape shifting rapidly and so is the marketing tooling infrastructure. How does a consumer behaviour professional adopt the latest and (possibly) greatest approaches and techniques to stay relevant for the consumer is the winning play.

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Trends that are shaping Public Relations
July 2017 | Ashwani Singla

In my recent travels to USA to attend the IABC World Congress, I had the …

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