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In today’s volatile world of business, corporate reputation is delicately balanced between growth and responsibility, profits and sustainability, aggressive targets and sound governance. How then can it be built, nurtured, sustained and protected? How can better understanding of the stakeholders and influencers improve the actions that corporations need to take? How can practicing the science of reputation move the needle of perception? How does the explosion of social media and mobile communication change the way people consume information and make decisions? What is the new data fuelled world of Reputation Management, What is the future of reputation management services in a digital world? Constellar, the Astrum blog is the new avatar of my personal blog Reputare. While continuing to explore and prompt a dialogue on the subject of reputation in all the sphere, Constellar has an expanded scope to guest contributors and thought leaders. As the headline suggests, we will endeavor to bring insights and new thinking in the development of professional reputation management in India. I invite you to participate in the conversation and share experience to add to the richness of these conversations. Ashwani Singla

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